What’s New

What’s New

Significant events during 2024:

  • Welcome baby Milena. Congratulations Samantha and Aaron.
  • Welcome baby Riverlyn. Congratulations Danielle and Leon.

Some of the recent ArnoldWorld improvements include:

January 2024 – December 2024
  • Added images for the year 1986-1987. You may view them on the applicable biography pages*.

*For additional ways to view images, please Login.

Improvements from the year 2023 can be found here.

Looking forward …

There is still much work to be done on ArnoldWorld, and there probably always will be. The main areas needing attention are:

  • Ancestry research – Finding more people, and updating the people we have as better information is found.
  • Image processing – Sorting, tagging, dating, prepping for site use, etc.
  • Adding new posts – Births, Marriages, Deaths, etc.
  • Family Tree Images – Creating and uploading the graphics that show where everyone fits in.
  • Writing Biographies – Replacing placeholders with actual factual stories, including your story.
  • General Improvements – Keeping the site accurate, secure, responsive, easy to use, and easy to maintain.

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